Sunday, July 15, 2007

A Malva Surprise

Originally uploaded by kage2007
I'd have to check my journal (if I ever wrote anything about this!) to see how long I've had the Malva. Time DOES fly, but I'm thinking...maybe...4 or 5 years. I bought it from an elderly lady in a neighboring town during a citywide rummage sale. I'd never heard of Malva before, and she had a picture of it and described it; the pot in my hand didn't look like much but seemed to hold much promise. I came home and checked my books but didn't find anything on it. SisterV checked and I think came up with some reassuring information that I had made a good purchase. It's in the foreground of this picture (the other side of the Feng Shui Garden) and looks like mini Hollyhocks; and from last year to this it has doubled, I swear! I'm delighted and can give some away now, not that it's become too much, but because it really is a sight to enjoy. Doing dishes (I can see it from the window) is not so bad when you have such a view--not for me, anyway. I'll take this kind of surprise any day!

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