Thursday, July 19, 2007

Four Bubble Vases '06

I'm trying a different way to post today, and this is only my second attempt; therefore, I'm not going to write a lot as I'll probably be writing it again! As much as I like to work in the garden and watch them bloom and grow (a song in my head now!), I also like to pick them. What makes me chuckle about the title of this post is that there are no longer four vases; and then again, maybe I'm not really chuckling. Yes, I am. That's the way life goes. But I sure am glad I snapped this photo before they became three (rose, scented geranium, alfalfa, rose).


Mrs. Parker said...

Hi Karen! What's the new way to post? Adding a photo?

Mrs. Parker said...
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KarenS said...

Usually I would post directly from Flickr, but I have no control of the format (that I know of). This time I had uploaded from My documents (a file I just have for my Flickr uploads); it took only a few minutes longer with my dial-up and doesn't have the Flickr note below the photos like most of my others do. It was worth trying to create a change. Maybe I'll find out I CAN do more in Flickr. Thanks for writing.